DMTF Redfish Mockup 1.1 Simulation

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Overview
  3. This update package ships a basic Web simulation of a Redfish API as detailed in the DMTF Redfish Mockup 1.1 page. The intent is to scale up a data center simulation with many simulated servers with Redfish management API.

    This simulation interoperates with redfish-client and Redfishtool and others as detailed in the Compatibility section below.

  4. Prerequisites
  5. To run this simulation, you must have installed the following optional modules as documented in the online documentation:

    • WEB Services

  6. Usage
  7. To run the simulation, configure an agent with the WEB module in the Advanced tab of the Edit Configuration dialog invoked from Edit->Configure in the MIMICView GUI, and select one of the rule files under redfish-mockup-1.1/ in the Web tab.

    • Start agent 1 using the Agent->Start menu item.

    • Use MIMICView Edit->Copy and Edit->Paste to duplicate agents.

    Once running, access the simulated device(s) with one of the applications in the Compatibility section below.

  8. Compatibility
  9. redfish-client

    You can access the Redfish API from redfish-client such as

    (redfish) bash-4.3$ redfish-client system getinfo
    Gathering data from manager, please wait...
    Redfish API version :  1.02
    Root Service
    Systems information :
    System id 437XR1138R2:
    UUID : 38947555-7742-3448-3784-823347823834
    Type : Physical
    Manufacturer : Contoso
    Model : 3500RX
    SKU : 8675309
    Serial : 437XR1138R2
    Hostname : web483
    Bios version : P79 v1.33 (02/28/2015)
    CPU number : 2
    CPU model : Multi-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 7xxx Series
    CPU details :
        Processor id CPU1 :
        Speed : 3700
        Cores : 8
        Threads : 16
        Processor id CPU2 :
        Speed : Not available
        Cores : Not available
        Threads : Not available
    Available memory : 96 GB
    Status : State : OK / Health : OK
    Power : On
    Description : Web Front End node
    Chassis : 1U
    Managers : BMC
    IndicatorLED : Off
    Ethernet Interface :
        Ethernet Interface id 12446A3B0411 :
        Ethernet Interface
        FQDN :
        Mac address : 12:44:6A:3B:04:11
        Address ipv4 :
        Address ipv6 : fe80::1ec1:deff:fe6f:1e24
        Ethernet Interface id 12446A3B8890 :
        Ethernet Interface
        FQDN :
        Mac address : AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:00
        Address ipv4 :
        Address ipv6 : fe80::1ec1:deff:fe6f:1e33
    Looking for potential OEM information :
        This system has no supplemental OEM information
    Simple Storage :
        Simple Storage id 1 :
        Simple Storage Controller
        Status : State : OK / Health : OK
        Device id 1 : SATA Bay 1  Contoso  3000GT8
        Device id 2 : SATA Bay 2  Contoso  3000GT7
        Device id 3 : SATA Bay 3    
        Device id 4 : SATA Bay 4    
    Looking for potential OEM information :
        This system has no supplemental OEM information

    or on Windows:


    Access the simulated device from redfishtool such as

    % redfishtool -v --Secure=Never -r root
    #  Service Root:
        "@odata.type": "#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot",
        "Id": "RootService",
        "Name": "Root Service",
        "RedfishVersion": "1.0.2",
        "UUID": "85775665-c110-4b85-8989-e6162170b3ec",
        "Systems": {
            "": "/redfish/v1/Systems"
        "Chassis": {
            "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis"
        "Managers": {
            "": "/redfish/v1/Managers"
        "Tasks": {
    	"": "/redfish/v1/TaskService"
        "SessionService": {
            "": "/redfish/v1/SessionService"
        "AccountService": {
            "": "/redfish/v1/AccountService"
        "EventService": {
            "": "/redfish/v1/EventService"
        "Links": {
    	"Sessions": {
           	"Sessions": {
                "": "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions"
        "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ServiceRoot.ServiceRoot",
        "": "/redfish/v1/",
        "@Redfish.Copyright": "Copyright 2014-2016 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF). For
    the full DMTF copyright policy, see"

    or on Windows:

    Advanced REST Client

    The Advanced REST Client (ARC) Chrome extension works with no problems:


    You need to make sure to accept JSON documents in your Postman config as shown below.